With one week until election day and with many states already voting, we decided to condense all of our McCain & Obama related posts into one easy guide.
Keep in mind the date that many of these posts were written. Some of the information has changed or is no longer relevant. Also, remember that this is a pro-environment blog. Our intention isn't to give the candidates equal time, just equal expectations with regard to their environmental records.
- Humane Society Breaks Tradition, Endorses Obama
- Obama's VP: Biden on the Environment
- Video: Obama on McCain's Tire Gauge Joke
- Like McCain, Obama Flips on Drilling
- Tim Kaine: Obama's Potential VP on the Environment
- Obama Attacks McCain on Energy
- Dear Senator Obama - Please Say No to Coal
- Obama Supports "Clean Coal" in West Virginia
- It's McCain vs. Obama, but Neither is Carbon Neutral
- Hillary and Obama Dust-Up Over Oil Contributions
- President Obama's Environmental Policies
- Obama and the 2005 Energy Bill
- Obama vs. McCain on the Environment
- Obama vs. Clinton on the Environment
- With Obama, is it the 1970's Again?
- 2008 Candidates Environmental Policies, Part I
- 2008 Candidates and the Environment UPDATE
- Barack Obama's Environmental Policy
- Presidential Candidates on the Environment
- Defenders of Wildlife Post New Palin Ad
- Palin Fails to Stop Whale Protections
- What McCain Didn't Say in the Debate
- Palin Supports Bridge, Not Beluga Whales
- McCain vs. McCain on the Environment
- Palin Fought Polar Bear Protections for Oil Companies
- McCain's VP: Palin on the Environment
- McCain Selling U.S. Treasures for Campaign Cash
- McCain Fibs, Doesn't Support Wind Energy
- After McCain Flip-Flop, Oil Money Floods Campaign
- Green McCain? Where are the Votes?
- John McCain's Eco-Friendly Shop
- It's McCain vs. Obama, but Neither is Carbon Neutral
- McCain's Environmentalist VP
- Obama vs. McCain on the Environment
- McCain and the Environment
- Republicans Divided Over Warming
- 2008 Candidate Environmental Policies, Part II
- McCain Concerned About Gas and Vilsack Is Out
- McCain Believes Global Warming
- 2008 Candidates and the Environment UPDATE
- Presidential Candidates on the Environment
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