
Weather to believe it or not?

The debate on whether global warming actually exists is coming to an end. This is partly thanks to the growing skepticism toward anti-global warming studies. I once heard Al Gore compare studies disproving the link between carbon emissions and global warming, to studies disproving the link between smoking and cancer. It is also partly thanks to a human population sensing changes in their environment.

As international public opinion solidifies behind the existence of global warming, politicians have responded. The political solutions to global warming have ranged from udderly rediculous...catalytic converters for cows (http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/opinion/columnists/guests/s_485809.html). To the overly complicated...EU combatting climate change with per country co2 cuts (http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa003&articleID=67A365A363E759793D84A4868D22BB56).

But with stories about ancient ice shelves the size of 11,000 footbal fields snapping (http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/science/12/29/canada.arctic.ap/) and Russia's hottest winter in 136 years (http://www.theage.com.au/news/world/snow-way-russias-hottest-winter-in-136-years/2006/12/19/1166290543359.html) obviously its time for some action.

Believe it or not, the fog of ignorance at the White House is finally beginning to clear after years of denying the existence of climate change. This week, the administration began suggesting that it would like to see Polar Bears placed on the Endangered Species Act's threatened species list. Its prinicple reason for this placement is the bear's loss of habitat due to global warming. The Washington Post story can be found here...http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/12/27/AR2006122701242.html.

Some are already saying that this move is not enough...http://www.southcoasttoday.com/daily/12-06/12-29-06/01opinion.htm.

I say that this is only the beginning of the US federal government's recognition of global warming and the impact it has on our nation's resources. In the coming months, the US Supreme Court will issue its decision on whether the EPA is required to regulate climate change emissions under the Clean Air Act. If the Court decides the Act does not require EPA's action, then look for the new blue Congress to offer amendments requiring such action. In addition, the green movement in states like California (http://cbs5.com/politics/local_story_362230801.html) and apparently New Mexico (http://www.kobtv.com/index.cfm?viewer=storyviewer&id=29503&cat=NMTOPSTORIES) will increase pressure on the federal government to create uniform regulations that significantly limit greenhouse gas emissions.

While we're all waiting for politics to catch up with reality, there are things we all can do to decrease our carbon footprint. My own tips are to plant some trees, re-evaluate the car you drive and when you drive it, and live greeny by turning off unnecessary lights & using appliances less. Some great tips can be found at this (http://www.carboncalculator.co.uk/reductions.php) website. It describes ways to cut back at home, on the road, when you eat, and when you waste.

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